Software Updates

Updating Your System with Changes in The Repository

You have full control over when your system is upgraded with new features and fixes, which implies you are also responsible for that.

Read the commit log from the top to the date / commit SHA you last updated your working directory, to actually know what you’re installing. You can also use git log or gitk on your machine for that, after a pull.

Call these commands in your working directory of the pimp-my-box repository for updating:

git pull --ff-only
ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml

Before you start, make sure to read any warnings that might be at the top of the README.

Also re-read the explanation of adding -e force_cfg=yes and the consequences that has, namely overwriting some configuration files that are normally created only once and then left untouched.

Don’t ask “Should I add this option?” in support, that is entirely dependent on how you manage your system. See above.

Upgrade the Python Version

Updating Python

When you installed Python via pyenv (i.e. pyenv_enabled is still set to true), you can update to a new Python release by reinstalling the related software.

You first have to update pyenv itself and remove the old version file (this keeps any existing Python version installed). Login as rtorrent and call these commands:

cd ~/.local/pyenv
git pull --ff-only
for i in plugins/py*; do ( cd $i && git pull --ff-only ); done
mv version version.$(date --rfc-3339=date)

To get a list of choices for the new version, login as rtorrent and call this:

cd ~/.local/pyenv/ && bin/pyenv install -l | egrep ' 3.[6-9]| 2.7'

Now select the specific Python version you want installed, by setting the pyenv_python_version variable in your host_vars or group_vars. On older releases like Trusty, you can only go as high as 3.6.10, because their SSL libraries are too old for newer Python versions.

Then execute the pyenv role:

ansible-playbook site.yml -i hosts -t pyenv

As given, these commands affect all hosts in the box group of your inventory.

Updating Virtual Environments

To update all virtualenvs so they’re using the new version, just remove them (like shown here) or move them to a backup directory:

ansible box -i hosts -a \
    "bash -c 'cd ~rtorrent/.local && rm -rf pyroscope flexget'"

Then execute the relevant roles to restore them with the new version setup:

ansible-playbook site.yml -i hosts -t cli,fg

Note that both pyrocore and flexget get upgraded to their newest available version by this.

Update to Ansible2 on Your Workstation

Make sure to uninstall the old Ansible version, or move its commands to an extra directory:

ls -l ~/bin/ansible*
mkdir -p ~/.local/bin/ansible1
mv ~/bin/ansible* $_

Install Ansible 2.9.5, see Installing Ansible for details:


Check by calling ansible --version, which should show something like this:

ansible 2.9.5
  config file = ~/.ansible.cfg
  configured module search path = ['~/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
  ansible python module location = ~/.local/venvs/ansible2/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ansible
  executable location = ~/.local/bin/ansible
  python version = 3.6.8 (default, Jan 28 2020, 20:29:43) [GCC 4.6.3]

Add this to your host_vars file(s), e.g. host_vars/my-box/main.yml:

ansible_become: true
ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/bin/python3

Try to call the playbook in check mode:

ansible-playbook site.yml -l my-box -t base --check --diff

This might show deprecation warnings, but should run without errors otherwise.


Special considerations for Trusty (Ubuntu 14.04)

Python version 3.4 as available on Trusty is too old for Ansible. So set the Python interpreter explicitly to Python2 as follows:

ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/bin/python2

Upgrade the rTorrent-PS Version

To upgrade the installed rtorrent-ps package, execute this command on your workstation:

ansible box -i hosts -a "rm /opt/rtorrent/pmb-installed"

Then run the playbook to install the new version:

ansible-playbook site.yml -i hosts -t rtps

Finally connect to your tmux session, and stop & restart rTorrent.